Incident Reporting Portal

Please note that you may submit reports anonymously.  However, if you would like to be contacted by Allpro Technologies or its representative, you must provide your phone number or email.
Also, please note that any resolution of this report is at the sole discretion of Allpro Technologies, and not Pathway HR Solutions.

Both fields are optional.
Confirm Email
If you cannot recall the exact date, please provide the month and year. If the issue is ongoing, use "ongoing." If the issue has occurred multiple times, please provide an approximate date for the first incident and an approximate date for the most recent incident.
Enter a detailed description of the incident here. Be sure to provide as many details as possible: first and last names, titles, dates, and other pertinent information.
Please list the type(s) of supporting information, if any, that will assist in your company's investigation of this report. Types of supporting information includes emails, faxes, letters, multimedia, text messages, etc.
Please list the type(s) of supporting information that will assist in your company's investigation of this report. Types of supporting information includes emails, faxes, letters, multimedia, text messages, etc.
If you know the name of the accused party, please provide it in the two fields above, so that he or she can be interviewed. If you do not know the accused party's name, please type "unknown" in each name field. If you know the name, but decline to provide it, please type "declined" in each field.
If a third party was present when the incident occurred, or when the incident was discovered, please provide their first and last name and title, if possible.
Ex: Customer, Office Assistant, Kitchen Attendant, Vendor, etc.
If you have an email address for the witness, please enter it in the fields immediately above this text.
Ex: Customer, Office Assistant, Kitchen Attendant, Vendor, etc.
If you have an email address for the witness, please enter it in the fields immediately above this text.
Please include the first and last names of any manager who was informed of the incident.
Use this field to add the names, titles, and contact information for additional reported parties, witnesses, and managers.

Please carefully review all of your entries before clicking the “Submit” button.  You will not be able to make edits after submitting the form.